Central highlanders to have quicker access to TV programmes

Kon Tum (VNA) - The Central Highlands province of Kon Tum has recently put four TV relay stations into operation to help local people access TV programmes during the day.

These stations, built with a State funding of 5 billion VND (330,000 USD), are located in Kon Tum's northern districts of Dak To, Dak Glei, Ngoc Hoi and Sa Thay.

Currently, the provincial Television and Radio Station is working on a news television programme in the Gie Trieng language in addition to two radio and television programmes in the Ba Na and Xe Dang languages.

This news programme, scheduled to be broadcast on Mar. 17, will target 28,000 Gie Trieng ethnic minority people in Dak Glei district.

So far, Kon Tum's Television and Radio Station has expanded its television coverage to 90 percent of the provincial residential area.

Bản quyền của Vụ Thông Tin Báo Chí - Bộ Ngoại Giao
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