Vietnam and Laos agree to promote traditional solidarity and comprehensive co-operation

(VNA): Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Nong Duc Manh held talks with his host President of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Khamtay Siphandone shortly after his arrival in Vientiane on March 24, beginning his official visit to Laos.

Both Mr Manh and Mr Khamtay, who is also President of Laos, agreed to boost comprehensive co-operation and promote the spirit of independence and self-reliance as well as tap the potentials of each country while maintaining the principles of equality and mutual interest.

Host and guest shared the view that the two countries should grant each other preferential treatment and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of bilateral co-operation in the interest of the two nations as well as for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress.

The two sides pledged to accelerate political relations, maintain regular exchanges of high-level visits, promote co-operation between industries, agencies and social organisations at all levels, especially those in border provinces, and promote the education of the special traditional ties between the two countries, especially among younger generations.

In regard to economics, the two leaders saw the need to lengthen connecting roads, increase joint telecommunication services and boost trade in electricity as well as devise measures to double bilateral trade revenues by the end of the decade. They both expressed their willingness to see the early establishment of a Vietnam-Laos free trade area.

Mr Manh and Mr Khamtay said they are happy that the two countries have common stances on all international and regional issues. They  agreed to boost co-operation with Cambodia through implementing the Vientiane Declaration on a Development Triangle, promote their close ties with third parties in the framework of the Mekong Subregion, the East-West Corridor and other multilateral co-operation programmes and projects.

Host and guest pledged to actively co-operate with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to turn Southeast Asia into a region of peace, stability, co-operation, development and prosperity.

General Secretary Manh and President Khamtay informed each other about major activities of their respective Parties and countries. They discussed measures to boost the special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between the two sides. They also expressed their views on international and regional issues of mutual concern.

General Secretary Manh expressed his delight at being able to visit Laos while the country was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party. He congratulated the Lao people on the glorious victories they have won during the national defense and construction process over the past 50 years under the leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party. He also applauded the achievements they have made in directing the renovation process, maintaining political stability, continually improving the people's living conditions, and raising Laos' position in the international arena.

President Khamtay welcomed the General Secretary's visit, describing it as a manifestation of the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between Laos and Vietnam, as well as a great encouragement to the Lao people while they are striving to successfully implement the Resolution of the 7th National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, organising the Party Congresses at all levels and preparing for the 8th National Party Congress in early 2006.

The Lao Party leader spoke highly of Vietnam's renovation experiences. He expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam headed by General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, the Vietnamese people will successfully carry out the Resolution of the 9th National Party Congress, successfully hold the 10th National Party Congress early next year, continue to make achievements in national defense and construction and realise the aim of making Vietnam a modern industrial country by 2020.

Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh invited President Khamtay Siphandone to pay a friendly visit to Vietnam at a convenient time. The Lao President accepted the invitation with thanks.

The same day, Vietnamese Party leader Manh met with Lao National Assembly Chairman Saman Viyaketh. He informed the latter of the good results of the Vietnam-Laos high-level talks, which have brought the special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos to a higher level.

Mr Manh warmly praised the active co-operation between the two countries' legislative bodies. He said that co-operation would be further developed in both law-making and supervising and the effective implementation of agreements between the two countries in the interest of each.

On March 24 afternoon, Mr Manh received representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese Residents Association in Vientiane.

The same evening, State President and President of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Khamtay Siphandone gave a banquet in honour of  Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and the Vietnamese delegation.

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