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Viet Nam seeks Russia's support in vaccine production technology transfer

(VNA) - Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has proposed the Russian Government to support the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccine production technology transfer to Viet Nam in a bid to ensure a stable and sustainable supply.

At the event. (Photo: VNA)

During his meet with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko in Moscow on September 28, Son congratulated Russia on its great development achievements, affirming that Viet Nam always attaches importance to its traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia.

The minister also took this occasion to thank the Russian Government for its timely support to Viet Nam in pandemic prevention, especially its supply of  COVID-19 vaccine, and the recent transfer of biological products to the Southeast Asian country for the production of one million doses of vaccine.

For his part, Chernyshenko said Viet Nam is a reliable friend and partner of Russia. He expressed his delight at Vietnam's achievements, especially in stabilising the macro-economy and pandemic response.

During the meeting, the two officials pledged to seek ways to deepen the Viet Nam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership. They underscored the importance of enhancing the cooperation mechanism of the Intergovernmental Committee on economic, scientific and technical cooperation as well as regular coordination between ministries and agencies to promote key projects, creating favourable conditions for Viet Nam-Russia joint ventures as well as enterprises from the two countries to pour capital in each country.

The two sides also highlighted the need to fully tap the potential of the Viet Nam- Eurasian Economic Union free trade agreement, facilitating the export of products that can be supplemented in each country's market towards a healthy and balanced trade.

They agreed on the necessity to expand into new fields of cooperation that Viet Nam has a strong demand while Russia has advantages such as high-tech science and scientific research. 

The Russian Deputy PM agreed to consider increasing scholarships for Vietnamese students at the request of the Vietnamese FM.

Regarding issues related to Vietnamese people in Russia, Chernyshenko said that he would direct relevant Rusian agencies to facilitate the extension of residence for Vietnamese citizens whose visas have expired and were unable to return home due to travel restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic./.

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