Vietnam’s reaction to a new resolution on Vietnam – EU relations adopted by the European Parliament
Please give us Vietnam’s reaction to a new resolution on Vietnam – EU relations adopted by the European Parliament?
“Cooperation between Vietnam and the EU has been strengthened and further developed in many fields. At present, Vietnam and the EU are engaged in negotiating the EU – Vietnam Partnership and Cooperation Agreement in order to lift the relationship between the two sides to a new height. This Agreement stems from the interests of both Vietnam and the EU, meets the desire to further enhance their bilateral multifaceted cooperation; establishes framework for dynamic development of both Vietnam and the EU in the new era.
Against such a background, the adoption by European Parliament of a resolution that does not correctly reflect Vietnam’s situation, lays down groundless conditions and negatively impacts the good cooperation between Vietnam and the European Union is unacceptable.
The guarantee and exercise of human rights serve not only as a goal but also as a driving force of the renovation in Vietnam. Vietnam’s efforts in these areas have yielded results recognized by the international community.
We hold that the two sides should hold more talks, settle differences through dialogues with a view to further improving their mutual understanding.
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