On 07 March 2022, in response to a reporter’s question on the maritime notice of the Hainan Maritime Safety Administration, China about Chinese military drills in the East Sea, Ms. Le Thi Thu Hang, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that:
Viet Nam always follows with keen attention the developments in the East Sea, and exercises its sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction over its waters in line with international law, including the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982).
A part of the area specified in this maritime notice lies within Viet Nam’s Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf, as provided by the UNCLOS 1982.
Viet Nam asks that China respect and avoid violating Viet Nam’s EEZ and continental shelf, and not take any action that may complicate the situation, thereby contributing to maintaining peace, security, and stability in the East Sea.
Viet Nam has discussed with China on this matter.